



Property management SAAS Platform

Property management SAAS Platform

Property Management Software as a Service (SaaS) platform is a cloud-based service that property owners, managers, or real estate agencies use to manage all the operations related to their properties. It provides them with the tools necessary to automate, streamline, and improve their property management tasks.

Features of our Property management SAAS Platform

We’ve enhanced our Property management SAAS Platform with the following features to ensure superior software performance.

Admin features

Admin Dashboard

This is where you can get an overview of the platform’s operation. It typically includes metrics, statistics, and key performance indicators.


This feature lets you manage the different subscription or service packages available to your users.

All Orders

This section allows you to review all the orders or bookings made within the platform, giving you an insight into the platform’s activity.

Owner Packages

This is where you manage the different subscription or service packages specifically available to property owners.


This section allows you to view and manage the property owners registered on the platform.


Tính năng này cho phép bạn tùy chỉnh các cài đặt khác nhau. Theo đó, bạn có:

Basic Setting: Where you can adjust the fundamental aspects of your platform.

Color Settings: This allows you to customize the appearance and color scheme of your platform.

Language: Where you can manage the languages available on your platform.

Currency: This lets you manage the currencies available on your platform.

Payment Gateway: Here, you can integrate and manage various payment gateways.

SMTP Setting: This is where you set up your platform’s email sending settings.

Landing Page Setting: Allows you to customize the layout, content, and other elements of your landing page.


This includes options to manage your admin profile:

My Profile: Where you can view and edit your profile information.

Change Password: This lets you change your profile’s password.

Language and notification: Here you can set your preferred language and adjust your notification settings.

Property Owner features

Owner Dashboard

A central hub offering insights into key performance indicators including total properties, units, tenants, and maintainers.

Property Management

Allows owners to create and manage their properties, including adding units, setting rents, and uploading images.

Tenant Management

Owners can add and manage tenants, view tenant history, and close a tenant account if necessary.

Billing Center

A comprehensive invoicing system with the option to create and download invoices, set up recurring invoices, and send reminders.

Expenses Management

Owners can add and manage various expenses related to their properties.

Documents Management

Allows owners to view documents uploaded by tenants.

Information Management

Owners can add and manage supplementary information related to their properties.

Maintainer Management

Enables owners to add maintainers and send them maintenance requests.

Ticket Management

Allows owners to view and manage tickets raised by tenants.

Notice Board

Owners can create and manage notices for their tenants.


Owners can view and download earning and expense reports.


Provides options to adjust various settings, such as payment gateway, tax settings, invoice type, document config, etc.

Profile Management

Allows owners to manage their profile information and change their password.

Subscription Management

Owners can upgrade their subscription plan for additional features and services.

Tenant Features

Tenant Dashboard

A personalized dashboard providing tenants with quick access to property lists, tickets, invoice lists, and other relevant information.

Invoice Management

Allows tenants to view and print invoices created for them.

Ticket Management

Tenants can view their past tickets and create new ones, facilitating better communication with property owners.

Information Access

Tenants can view information related to the properties which are added by the owners. This keeps them informed about important property details.

Documents Management

Tenants can upload, edit, and delete their personal documents, providing a secure space for document storage and access.

Profile Management

Allows tenants to update their profile information to ensure accurate records.

Password Management

Provides tenants with the ability to change their password, ensuring account security.

Maintainer Features

Maintainer Dashboard

A central hub providing an overview of all tickets and notices that a maintainer needs to be aware of.

Ticket Management

Maintainers have access to a comprehensive view of tickets created by tenants, allowing them to respond and manage maintenance requests effectively.

Information Access

Ticket Management

A special feature that displays all maintenance requests directed towards the maintainer. It also allows the maintainer to update the status of each request, ensuring transparent communication with tenants and owners.

Profile Management

A feature enabling maintainers to view and manage their professional information from their panel.

Password Management

Ensures account security by allowing maintainers to update their passwords when necessary.

Business Benefits of choosing our Property management SAAS Platform

Fully-Integrated System

With four main applications – User App, Owner App, Administrator Panel, and User Web Version – our platform serves as a one-stop solution for managing all aspects of property management.

Easy Management

Our platform allows property owners, tenants, and maintainers to manage their respective tasks effectively. Owners can control their properties, manage tenants, handle billings and even set up referral systems. Tenants have access to their invoices, property information, and can communicate directly through tickets. Maintainers are kept in the loop with maintenance requests and can manage their tasks seamlessly.

Localization Features

Our platform supports multiple languages, currencies, and payment gateways. This makes our platform accessible to users from various regions and allows us to cater to a global user base.

Robust Communication

With integrated email, SMS, and push notification systems, our platform ensures effective and timely communication among all users.

Simplified Financial Management

With features such as invoice printing, a wallet system, and multi-payment gateway support, managing finances has never been easier.

User-Centric Design

Our platform has a unique and attractive user interface, designed to provide an intuitive and enjoyable user experience.

Our Product Package Includes

Admin Dashboard

This is the heart of the system, where you can oversee all operations. The admin dashboard provides an overview of the entire system and its components. You can manage packages, orders, and settings from here. You have control over basic settings, color settings, language, currency, payment gateways, and SMTP settings, and can also customize your profile. Moreover, it supports multi-languages, multi-payment gateways, and multi-currency.

Owner Panel

This is where property owners can manage all aspects of their properties. The dashboard displays all properties, units, tenants, and maintainers. Owners can add properties and units, manage tenants, and keep track of their invoices and expenses. They can upload necessary documents and also handle maintenance requests. They can also post notices for all tenants, view earning and expense reports, and change website settings.

Tenant Dashboard

This panel provides tenants with a personalized interface where they can manage their activities. Tenants can view their invoices, create tickets for issues, view information related to their properties, and upload necessary documents. They also have the option to edit their profile information and change passwords.

Maintainer Dashboard

This is a dedicated space for the maintenance staff to handle their tasks. Maintainers can view all types of tickets and notices from their dashboard. They can see tickets created by tenants, view information added by the owner, and manage all maintenance requests directed towards them. They can also update their profile information and change passwords.